modern performances in Tel Aviv
theatrical experiments
This is the story about the Polish courier of the underground resistance, Jan Karsky, who goes on a mission from occupied Poland to London in 1942 to convey to the leaders of the Allied countries an evidence of what was happening in the concentration camps and on the territory of Warsaw Ghetto.


The central line of the play becomes a seemingly insignificant meeting between Karsky and Shmul Zygielboim, the leader of the Jewish Workers' Party of Poland who was in forced emigration.

basis for the play
The dramatization was written with processing of the following materials:

- Jan Karski "Mon témoignage devant le monde".

- "Voices from the Warsaw Ghetto. Writing Our History".

- "SHOA", a movie by Claude Lanzmann, interview with Jan Karski.

- YIVO Institute provided the original diaries of Shmuel Zygielboim.

All technical components of the show are in the hands of the performer (technical staff do not take part in the performance). Light and sound are programmed to MIDI signal, which allows the performer to independently change the mise-en-scene along with the exposition. Control of the technical components allows the performer to independently create the rhythm within the show.
The ArtNet protocol, which transmits a signal to the LED pixel lamps, creates and changes light commands, which allows the creator to independently control the movement of the plot. .
technology in theater
modern theater in Israel
Viewers observe two disciplines at once - the existence of an actor in the space of the stage and the creation of cinema.
We use live chromakey technology, and the backgrounds for the mise-en-scene are generated by Midjourney.
2024. takoy teatron tlv