takoy teatron tlv
about us
> Stanislav Kaplan
author of ideas
and implementations.
> Stanislav Borisov
composer, sound design,
process engineer.
> Regina Kaplan
technical design, supervisor.

> David Ziselson
linguistics and stage speech.

> Gabi Ostrovsky

technical support.

> Marusya Kaminskaya
public relations.

Our team is dedicated to interdisciplinary non-profit endeavors. Primarily technical experiments in the art of theater, cinema, music and light installations. We are constantly looking for new technical solutions to express different ideas and works. The basis of our research is experiments aimed at searching for the absolute integration of various technologies, drama, sound and actor in the space of the stage.
The date of establishment of our team is considered as 30 August 2022.
On this date we were on the theater stage of Tel Aviv for the first time, playing the musical performance "The only highest trees on Earth" based on the play by Ivan Vyripaev, theater Malenky.

During the first season we visited two Israeli festivals:

- Forum of free culture "Slovo Novo".
- Directors' laboratory of Jaffa Fest, with sketch of the "Polish Currier".

2024. takoy teatron tlv